Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Yoga Pants Are Awesome & Music Videos Aren't

I feel infinitely sorry for the boys in the world who are constricted by modern society and therefore unable to divulge in the awesomeness of yoga pants themselves. Just saying.

On another note, music videos are so disappointing. I hardly watch music videos for two reasons: 1) their predictability and 2) hinderance of my ability to create original videos in my head. It makes sense considering that my favorite pastime is traveling with noise-canceling headphones and creating the most insane music videos that no one will ever have the pleasure of feasting their eyes on. But can you imagine the thousands, if not millions of dollars spent on each 3 minute video produced in the world? All that money spent on the same idea, repeated over and over again like we didn't get it the first time. And have you ever noticed the trends? I remember two phases most clearly, the one of crazy cute kid dancers and the other of random celebrity sightings (casual name dropping in music video form!). And I suppose they think the classic green screen, bare bones rooms that only highlight the lead singer will never get old (same goes for the Project X-esque parties that don't actually exist in real life). Music videos are pretty racist too, if you hadn't noticed. I don't know if it's the artist's preference or the label's but it's hard to find videos whose artist is black featuring many (if any) people of other races, as goes for most, if not all, other races. Would it kill them to add some diversity? Surely original artists have better ideas that promote the meaning behind their songs than the crap producers actually advertise.

I really wish I could work on music videos with Esente this summer but with my sporadically scheduled job and lack of a car it looks unlikely. I do hope that I may have some input on the brainstorming process even if I can't partake in the filming, because I have some pretty bombtastic ideas (not to toot my own horn... well maybe)

TOOT TOOT A LOO x Gabriella

But here are some videos that I DO approve of, or think subjects like them should be incorporated more often:

16bit - Dinosaurs
Diplo - Set It Off
Blockhead - The Music Scene
Need a Name - Beat The Clock

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