Thursday, June 20, 2013

Business serves near...

The worst words you can see under a business while doing leads.

Leads are finding businesses in certain locations, say Manchester NH and by certain group, like restaurants, and documenting their website, contact info etc. However, some search engines, like the one I was using today are more like the little engine that might be able to, but probably won't.  Many businesses repeated themselves several times, making the never ending scrolling from page to page just that more fun! Sarcasm is in high demand today as my body I think believes it is Monday, and become zombified.  Anyway, back to my lead adventures.

So some businesses repeat, but THE WORST part is when a business has a spot on the search engine, and where it should say its address, the town etc. it just says 'business serves near' blah blah blah... This is very agrivating because you have to skip this business because it is not in the town you are doing, so it was a waste of time, and leaves its little reminder on your leads number.  Your number becomes tiny for leads because you've spent the last 30 min scrolling through pages and pages of businesses that serve near (insert town here).

Now that I am done ranting... just a little bit, on to other things. Today is my last day for the week, hopefully after lunch I will work on my covers a little more, got another one printed and hung up yesterday.  I have so many ideas and sketches that I don't know which ones to do, what to do! I believe the time for this assignment is to be finalized by Friday, but I am not sure since I won't be there, and no one has given any feedback on my stuff.

I think my overall mood for the day stems from two factors: The Bruins loosing and the fact that I worked my other job yesterday after I left here.  Not only did I work, I closed so I didn't leave work till 11:30 then came home and just had to watch the last of the Bruins...going into overtime...then loosing....overall leaving me bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning...and being the reason for my blog ranting and overal lack of grammer skills today.

Well to the rest of the day, and to the future weekend.
Meghan Connolly
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

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