Thursday, June 13, 2013

day 6 of this so called Future

More leads this morning! I actually came across some really good websites today; it was easy to find things, they looked nice, and they were simple to navigate. I also found my fair share of not-so-easy to navigate and not-so-pretty websites...

Yesterday afternoon I worked some more on the album cover and got a few more ideas down. I kind of want to go for a graffiti/ hand-written style type somewhere in the title, so I'm working on really basic backgrounds with some simple dividing elements or textures. I'm also trying to draw the letters myself, but I might end up finding a font because they're becoming a bit illegible ( I have terrible hand-writing sometimes and it shows in my graffiti-style attempts).

I didn't really learn much more about the new project I got put on for the marketing website, but I did look at some other marketing websites and they all look awesome and I got some cool ideas for ways to word things and such and so on.

Just to bring in a bit of my outside life, I get to meet a bunch of my dad's friends from grad school on Saturday! Apparently I met some of them before, but I was maybe 2 years old so I obviously do not remember. But I'm making petit fours! Which reminds me that I could make something for everyone here at Esente some day; I'll have to talk to someone about it first though.

To wrap this post up, I'm really liking it here. Last night I was talking to a friend from school who absolutely dreads going to her internship because she hates the work and finds it impossibly boring, but she gets paid. She said it was too bad that I wasn't getting paid, but I really don't mind it because the work I get to do here is great and I'm actually enjoying coming here three times a week— plus I'm not sitting bored at home every day. She also called me a common Mother Teresa, but that was because I'm going to start tutoring two nights a week next week— again for no pay.

Carolina Rago
RIT Student
Graphics Intern

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