Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I think its Wednesday??

No sense of time anymore,

Yesterday by the end of the day I had hung up one of my CD covers, which was exciting, and made several variations of the same design to show today.  The down side is that my lovely computer refuses to find the office printer.  I have to bother other Design interns by sending it to them, and having them print them out...distracting them from there designs.  The printer also threw up some colors that were....not so nice, the print out itself, I had to write that I didn't choose the colors originally, just so people wouldn't think I was high or something #printer problems!  Ron walked by at one point and saw the design on my laptop, not on the board THANK GOD! He said he liked it, so that's a good sign, and a little ego boost to plow me through other designs.  I have more compositions to implicate today, but I do not know if that will happen since I believe we are doing leads longer than usual today.

Today is my day for leads! I am getting lists with websites (so exciting) and companies that actually realize that people might want to CONTACT THEM by means other than pigeon mail!  I tried something else today too, I haven't even looked at how many tic marks I have for leads, going to let that be a surprise later, that way I have no realm of reference and keep plugging along!  I am surprised how much I 'have gotten done' based on how my morning started; A SEVERE case of "But mom!!!! Five more minutes!!"  But I managed to get my butt to work, sit down and get work done!

Tonight the Bruins are on, which makes my commute through North Station Just that more special (is the sarcasm coming through the screen?)! Other the commute, doesn't really matter about the game tonight, can't watch it anyway as my other job scheduled me today from 5-close after a day of internship work...putting me at home just around the end of the game probably. I should really rename this post, no my summer, The Summer of Commuting and working The grueling tale of the summer of '13.  I don't think anyone would read that so just going to keep up the optimism of the money coming my way, the work experience of my internship and that pesky social life not getting in my way, because  I don't have on!

I believe this has been the longest post I've ever done for the blog...whoops! Well to the rest of the day, and GO BRUINS!!

Meghan Connolly
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

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