Thursday, June 13, 2013

Another Day In the Office

Today I feel like writing lists as my post. Here it goes.

What I Have Learned Today
1. I apparently have a radio voice according to Ron. Maybe I'll pursue a radio broadcasting career now.
2. Manta is hard to work with. Most of the companies on it do not have websites or don't come up in search results so today my lead number is about half as large as usual.

What I Did Yesterday
1. I wrote 3 anti-bullying blog posts based on some interesting articles I found. Did you know One Direction has a new line at Office Depot to raise money for schools to receive education on bullying? Go support and buy some 1D office supplies.
2. I checked out the drunk driving blog and saw that one of my articles had been posted. I was really happy to see some of my writing up there!
3. I got to pull some outfit inspiration for Jana Liniger's upcoming video shoot based on Carrie Underwood's "Good Girl" music video which I really enjoyed because who wouldn't want to look at pintrest and shopping sites for a few hours? I think I found the perfect mix of country rock and sweet country looks.
4. I began to write a brief for a website.  This was new to me because I had never written anything like it before.  It was basically a welcome message that would appear on the homepage.

Today should be a good day except for the fact that the Bruins lost and I was up until 1 watching the game in triple over time. At least we still have a chance to win and beat the Blackhawks.  This typically wouldn't be important to me but I go to University of Wisconsin Madison which is filled with people from Chicago, aka Blackhawks fans, and I love some good competition so this year the Stanley Cup matters to me. GO BRUINS!

-Rebecca Miller

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