Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sleep Deprivation

This morning has been pretty rough for me. I'm still pretty jet lagged from my trip and probably got a total of 30 minutes of sleep last night. When I first got here this morning and started doing leads I was literally about to pass out and only got about two dozen done. One of the perks of working here is that Dunkin Donuts is downstairs, so I went down and got an ice tea to wake me up and was exactly what I needed. After that I powered through the rest of the leads doing tripple the amount it took me to do before the caffeine boost.
Yesterday we were given projects and I'm so excited to really get into mine with my group. Gabriella, Pete, Cassandra, Matt and I are working on a project called 50. Its basically getting 50 bands from each state to participate in a CD, free for them, and getting 50 kids who were bullied from each state to tell their story. I think that using music to promote good causes, like anti-bullying, is extremely powerful and I can't wait to be a part of it. I'm also excited to work in a group so I can get to know the other interns! Gabriella and I drive here together so I know her pretty well, but the other four interns seem great and I can't wait to get to know them better. 
I think that this project is going to be great experience because there are so many aspects to it! We have to find the bands, find the kids with the stories, get the cause publicity, create social media sites for the cause, and much more. It's going to be a great learning experience and it will teach me a lot!

Shayna LaHaise
UMass '13 
PR Intern

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