Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Internet Marketing

Today doing leads was cut short when I was called into Ron's office with Hanna. He asked us to work on researching the formats of web marketing companies and come up with a format for his new marketing company, Target Marketing. Who knew there were so many ways to market on the Internet! There are the familiar ways, such as using social media, blogging, and email marketing, but I learned about a few new ones too. Search Engine Optimization. I'm still not even 100% sure what this is, but from what I understand it is making your website trustworthy to search engines and making sure it is one that pops up when key words are searched.

Since I will be working on this for the rest of the day I won't be working on the 50 project today. I'm really hoping that within the next couple of weeks we will begin reaching out to bands and people.

Shayna LaHaise
UMass '13
PR Intern

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