Tuesday, July 30, 2013

day 21 of this so called Masa Depan

Oh, two words for "Future" in Indonesian.

So last week I was visiting Rochester, and it's weird being back. I got un-used to my sleep schedule for work, seeing as I was waking up around 10am-noon in Roc, so I'm a bit tired this morning.

I could try to tell you what I did the last time I was here, but I really don't know. I probably worked on cd covers, and I think I came up with one good one. But again, I don't know; I have a horrible memory. I do remember that Benny got super hyper and ran right through my tablet wire, snapping it off, but Ron got me a replacement tablet, which is awesome of him.

Leads are going okay this morning. The first list I got was horrible, though. I went through 9 pages and only got 6 businesses with some way to contact them that were actually in the city I was looking for. Otherwise, I think I mostly made up for that list with the next one I looked through.

It's good to be back.

Carolina Rago
RIT Student
Graphics Intern

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