Researching Leads this morning has proven very productive. There is a great feeling of relief when a company has the contact information necessary to be imputed to Google Docs. Other than one of the search engines not working for a while, Leads went very smooth today.
Yesterday after lunch, the design interns were given a Logo assignment for a client of OnPoint, a company that does Aerial tours. It was a very educational first -hand look at designer/Client relationship. The interns were given the company name, what it does, its sister company (a logo it wants to emulate), and several logos the client likes. Then the research began. I researched similar companies, and took a good look at what the company does, its components. Then I considered how to represent it through imagery. Some ideas were formulated; one implemented in Illustrator however, there was a set back. The company name is not formalized yet, making for interesting type placement. This project for now has been put on the back burner while the name is finalized.
The intern videos against bullying videos are coming along. I overheard the PR interns writing a script yesterday and I think we shoot next week. Not sure yet what my role in this project will be, but I look forward to finding out.
After lunch I will update the Buzz on Bullying Blog, and continue working on the logo for the company. Also on the back burners are my anti-bullying posters, the drunk driving posters, and the Facebook Icon for various blogs Esente Music Group writes. Project 50 is also a project of mine, more ideas for CD covers, more illustrating them on the computer and hanging them up for feedback.
Meghan Connolly
Design Intern
Umass Dartmouth