Thursday, May 2, 2013

Two More Weeks...

I had a pretty good week for leads, collecting around 130 in the three days I was in the office.

I managed to get two or three extra Rock Report entries done yesterday afternoon. They still need to be edited but I can do that in about ten minutes before I post them. Before this, I had some aversion to blogging/writing on the Internet, mostly because it's my understanding that everything posted on the Internet is permanent in some way or another. It's not like I'm using embarrassing details about my personal life to illustrate advice for struggling musicians, but still I'd prefer that someone Googling me would find nothing but quality, constant and objectively accurate work. I was having a problem thinking of new entry titles. I had been writing titles that referenced classic rock/pop songs, albums, etc. and seemed to hit a wall for a few weeks. I probably spent more time on the titles than I did the article and even when I thought of one, I usually wasn't too crazy about it. I don't know what came over me yesterday but out of nowhere they just started coming to me and I think I compiled twenty-some-odd titles with their corresponding subject matter. I managed to find articles to match nearly half of them and if given the time today will complete this task and probably write a couple more entries. I do wonder how many people get the references, or at least get that they are references. I'm sure Fleetwood Mac and the Beatles are on most people's wavelength but I have some doubts about the Talking Heads, Billy Joel, and some I plan to make in the future such as the Dead Kennedys and Devo. I suppose it doesn't really matter since each entry only gets ten or twenty views at best you may have heard/read the famous definition of morality as "what you do when no when else is looking"...I feel the same way about writing.  

Travis Long
Esente Music Group
PR Intern  

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