Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fourth day blogger

What to say today? Hmmm besides my stomach talking to me, I gotta say from last conversation with the Boss in terms of what I want within this three months he still has me a bit mind boggled. I mean aside from him telling and asking the group, I also heard it from my fiance and it's great that she sticks by my side through out all my struggles and obstacles. Learning is the best that I can say for today. Sometimes you have those days where its gonna be fun and jokes and other days your just gonna have to accept being in a grumpy moody day and today I can say I'm a bit moody but more focused on my work. I'm starting to get the hang of this search criteria that I've been doing and I never realized how difficult marketing really is. I cant wait to actually make it in this world not only for my own well being and life but for my photography skills and my graphic design skill plus marketing will come in handy once My friends and our clothing line starts rocketing. Life is a building block of knowledge and I can't wait to learn more stuff and because a wiser man in the aspect of graphics and marketing through this company Esente Music group.

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