Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fan Art

I created some new fan art for Becca and Jayna this week. I had originally planned to do some show posters modeled after popular bands in their genre. I had a lot of trouble coming up with writing for the posters though so I ended up just making the girls look good and added some effects to the photos and some text. I drew up some quick logos for the two of them as well. It was difficult making up dates, venues, openers, and details of the concert so I just skipped that.

Leads today have been going just swell. The latest list I've gotten has been slightly less productive than the previous ones but I am still well above my 50 lead minimum. With the exception of one day where I had only 36 I have had above 50 for the last 9 days, not too bad. Even with a bad list they are easy to get done because you can sort of force yourself into tunnel vision and just plug away. 

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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