Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This Is It. For Real This Time

Well, today is the last day. I'm blogging a little bit early today because I need a new list for leads but the office manager is in a meeting. I figure might as well be productive while I have some downtime. This internship has helped me a lot with time management and working independently, but I think the thing I was helped most with was my confidence. And above everything else I feel like that is what I needed most. Working here has helped me not be afraid to speak up in meetings and helped me have constructive things to contribute to whatever issues we are trying to tackle.

At this point I need to begin seriously looking into the best formats and practices as far as a resume and cover letter go. The trends for both seem to have sort of swapped out from what I originally learned in college. The cover letter is now more short, sweet, and to the point and the resume elaborates giving a better description of qualifications. I have been seeing a lot of bulleted lists for cover letters, and short paragraphs for resumes. I also want to start boosting up my skills outside of design. I already know a lot different types of social media, and I've done web design and animation in the past. Not all of these things may be useful for one job but they will definitely come in handy.\

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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