Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Random Thoughts About Today

Today is my third day at Esente. I somehow managed to get lost on the way here even thought its pretty much a straight shot once I get off the high way. I have the worst sense of direction so thank god for GPS. The good news is I finally remembered to bring headphones! Bad news is I can't hear what anyone says when they say things so tomorrow I'll have to remember earbuds so I can still be plugged in without missing anything important.
About half way through the day Ron gave us a speech about our dream job. This speech was a weird mix of inspiring and depressing. It was inspiring because of his passion, it was depressing because I have no idea what my realistic dream job is. If we lived in a fantasy would my dream job would be getting paid to travel all around the world. Of course that are probably about 5 million other people with the same dream. So now I am thinking of modifying this dream...
While I think about this new dream I am slowly freezing to death inside this office. It is so cold in here! I need to remember to wear pants from now on no matter how warm it is outside.

Shayna LaHaise
UMass Amherst '13
PR Intern

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