Thursday, February 21, 2013

Promote the Group Using the Individual

Yesterday I was put on a team of interns to analyze the possibility of using IndieGoGo for promoting the One Night Stand concert series. We were asked to keep a log of what we learned about the site and how we could use it. Luckily I already had a record of the logistical information so we were able to focus more on constructing a plan on how to use the crowd funding site for this specific project.

The successful campaigns use a short video as a hook with a detailed text section to more suitably describe the campaign. We think it will be best to follow this formula with some minor changes. We can use one video that describes the overall One Night Stand series and then use the text section to describe and promote the individual bands. We think it makes more sense to use several small campaigns for the individual regions than using one large campaign for the entire event. This way the campaigns could get more views and traffic based on the bands themselves as well as the concert series as a whole. At this point these are the only plans we have developed. But more will follow soon enough.

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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