Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Winding Down, Cranking Up

I got a bunch of editing done on the different Right Now posters I have been working on during this internship. A couple of weeks ago we had a critique of all the work done by all the interns and Ron gave us his ideas and what he wanted changed in each poster. The changes were all easy to make, he wanted a clear easy to read font and a sort of contained composition. I ended up just using the font he had already been using in a lot of the different social media promos and put borders around the images with a black background.

Since we are in the last few weeks of the internship I need to start finding something else to blog about. I did some research online and found that when you are looking for a job it can be helpful to be blogging about the career you are interested in and take a stance on some issues involved in the field. It won't be very difficult to talk about graphic design and social media since I am surrounded by it all day but I'm not exactly sure about how to take a stance on it. That will hopefully be something that comes as I start to write. 

When the internship is over my job search will be kicked into full gear. My website is just about finished and my resume will be fully loaded with more real world experience. My portfolio will have some work that wasn't done as a student which will just add to its credibility I still have some time left here though, so I will still have to be focused on that. 

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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