Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Posters

As part of my attempt to stay busy and productive on my days off I worked on some posters at home yesterday. At this point I like the imagery I have in each poster but I am not attached to the text. For the bathroom stall poster I need some sort of catchy phrase to tie in with the statistic but I want to try and stay away from any sort of bathroom talk. The other two may be a bit wordy, but with the text rearranged it may work better.

I also spent some time reading up on search engine optimization yesterday. I figure that I need to know anything I can about any sort of field related to graphic design and SEO is becoming more and more important in the web design world. I've also started reading up on social media marketing. At this point I want to arm myself with anything I can. 

Today we were given a new assignment for social media graphics. The exact project hasn't been described to us yet but I think it will be later today. I'm eager to see what this is all about. 

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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