Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Promotional Consideration

In an effort to get more hits for the "Fix You" video by Becca Levy ( we began contacting various anti-bullying groups via different social media outlets. Each intern was responsible for contacting Coldplay, (the writers of the song) anti-bullying blogs, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. One of my fellow interns actually got a response from Coldplay noting that they have received the request to view the video but to please stop sending it because the band themselves do not view fan mail. I had varying amounts of success through Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. Most blogs required that you sign up to comment or leave a post, and then required the author's permission to finalize a post. Some blogs did not allow links to be posted in any way. I did get followed on Twitter by one group I tweeted to, and so far there has been no feedback from my Facebook posts. Overall it was a successful bout because a couple interns did get feedback and the video did get an increase in hits since yesterday.

Today I was asked to help with one of the websites OnPoint is putting together for a restaurant. It was mostly just data entry filling in the prices of each item on the menu but it was a nice break from doing leads for a short time. I would be happy to do anything like that whenever they happen to offer.

Tim Pietrasik
Graphics Intern

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