Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Internship week 8, Weds

On Monday, I spent about an hour and a half collecting leads for OnPoint Media, researching companies in Medford using Afterwards, I moved on to working on my school list for Becca Levy's school speaking tour. I finished up the Framingham and Groton sections, and began working on the last town I was assigned, Holliston. I spent more time than usual on the school list because it's expected to be done relatively soon.

I then moved on to working on my fan art for Jayna Lininger. I was having a tough time figuring out what to do for a while, since there's more material to riff off for Becca Levy. I looked through whatever I could find of Jayna, and watched/listened to whatever videos or audio I could find. I finally settled on a good direction and began putting a design together. I'm making an image that emphasizes her outdoorsy, country/folk style. At first I thought about using a photo of her in the image, but I'd rather try to make a design that communicates her style without actually including her picture in it. If anything, it will probably resemble the "sunflower" image I made for Becca Levy - something simple and bold that evokes the feeling you get while listening to her music without flat-out bashing you over the head with a direct statement. I should be able to show a draft version on the blog soon.

- Ian Corrigan
Graphic Design Intern
Montserrat College of Art

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