Wednesday, August 7, 2013

day 25 of this so called Futuro

Of course, the Italian word for "Future" is the same as the Spanish word. They're incredibly similar languages; so similar, in fact, that some language people say that they could have started off as dialects of the same language (besides Latin, seeing as they both are romantic languages and obviously derive from Latin).

Yesterday I updated the BizBuzz blog as per usual on Tuesdays, and then edited pictures from the video shoot on Monday. I ended up taking 153 pictures (more like 200 with the ones I didn't delete) and editing 41. The lighting was weird, and it still shows in the finals, but I was able to edit them so that everything that needed to be was discernible. I think it's fine that the pictures look contrasty, though, because that's how it was when we were actually in the room; everything that wasn't between the two main lights was pretty dim. Anyway, it felt good to be back editing pictures because this whole school year I took photo classes and I was constantly either in the dark room or on my computer editing photos.

This morning, back to leads. My first list went really well, but the second list I got barely had anything. I went through 7 pages and only got 11 leads. There weren't any incredibly ugly sites, though, so that was nice.

I can't wait for next week! I don't want my time to be done here at Esente, but I'm excited for the shoot I'm going to next Thursday (which is my last day).

Carolina Rago
RIT Student
Graphics Intern

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