Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Back to 1LS

Having the entire intern team today has been great, since we've been able to discuss ideas we've had for a while now, but weren't all available at the same time to discuss them. One loud street was the main focus of today. We discussed various ways in which we can create awareness of the project once we have the crowdfunding video for it.

One of the ideas that we had in order to increase awareness of the product one it's finished. Was to use Reddit as a way to increase popularity of the website. Many articles/videos that are posted on Reddit, and make the front page, go viral and sometimes even make local/national news stations.

Social media is going to be a great part of 1LS, specially on marketing it initially. We went over different options on how to leverage, Twitter, Facebook, and some blogs that will help us promote 1LS.

We're going to start the filming for the movie next week, after Ron has a chance to compare ideas that were on the table before our arrival, and the ideas that we come up with before next week. After a decision has been made by him on which direction to take, we're going to keep moving forward with the project. For the mean time, we're working on other aspects of the project, such as the social media aspect.

Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Endicott College

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