Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tech... Tac... (Toe) Tician

Rolling solo today, I tried to dig as much in as I could thinking about the Kickstarter campaign. Researched more into successful and some not so successful Kickstarters and found some common threads. One being, the way the people running them stack their donation tiers. It led me to brainstorm some ideas that could help us build our tier of donations. You need the lower tier $1-$5 donation because some people just like to support things, though it will only generate a low level of money, it will increase our "backer" count and put money into the process to get it "kickstarted." (hey see what I did there?) Then you have the mid ground tiers that are enough to entice people to try it even if they aren't sure if they buy into our product yet. Lastly, it's the heavier tiers, people who believe in what we will do will be great and help musicians and will get us money fast. I drew up a list of some ideas that'll hopefully serve as an outline to get the process rolling next week.

On top of that, I did some more writing and storyboarding for ideas to use in the introductory video for the Kickstarter. I fully believe the power of the video we first release will set the course for how well our crowd funding goes. If it's informative, not too long, and well written it should do everything it needs to to showcase why 1Loud Street is better than anything else out there for musicians and promoters alike.

Hopefully next week yields some more progress.

Until then...

Brenden Groom
Marketing & PR
Middle Child

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