Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Start of Week 5

Today is the start of my fifth week here and all day the interns worked on social media research. Our assignment was to pick social media sites and look up the top country artists with accounts or profiles and see how they utilized that site. Furthermore, we needed to see how they used the sites for both professional promotion and personal promotion. This was an interesting angle as different platforms tended to lean one way or the other, and were sometimes a combination of both. Once we had done sufficient research on one site, we would switch with another intern and start researching another. Today I did 4 top artists for Myspace, twitter, and instagram and compiled my findings into the new dropbox account to be used for all the interns' work. The rest of the week will be spent combining our work into something that can be used for Jayna's social media campaign. I'm looking forward to seeing where this takes us in the coming weeks.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

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