Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Promotion & Contacts

This week the interns continue to work on the dog park app project we started a few weeks ago. We had a brief meeting discussing where we were in the project and what we need to accomplish this week in order to move forward and stay on track. Today we researched and took notes on some ways to promote the app once it is live. We looked up dog-related websites, blogs, and social media to analyze whether or not they could be a positive tool to use for promotion in the future. Along with researching, I also compiled a contact list in a spreadsheet for easy access in case we need to contact their sources later. Thursday we will have a group meeting with Ron to sort through and make decisions about the app's features and to start storyboarding how the app will look and behave. Tomorrow I will continue the research work and contact list so we have more resources to go to once the app is completely finished and it's time to promote it to our audience.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

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