Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dog Park Formatting

Yesterday I spent most of my time in the office summarizing articles for the blog. It was just Taf and I yesterday so after we finished our blog posts, we spent a little time on the Dog Park project. We looked over the work Matt started on Monday and made a plan to move forward for the rest of the week. Today I am the only intern in the office and have been laying out the formatting for the website. This includes separate pages for each aspect, such as the park profile, dog profile, etc. and listing of each feature the pages need. So far I have the dog profile and park profile pages finished, but would like to get both Taf and Matt's feedback tomorrow before we present it to Ron. I'm going to continue breaking down the formatting for the remaining features and we will hopefully have a meeting tomorrow to see what needs to be changed, removed, or added.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

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