Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dog Park Final Stages

This week I am continuing to work on the Dog Park project, which is in the final stages before it will be handed over to one of the graphic designers in the company for website creation. Taking the suggestion Ron gave up at the meeting last week, I did a lot of the writing content for the site, such as the headlines and subheads we discussed. With some editing and revision to come, this will be the basis for the text content on the actual website. Because we needed to translate our work into a website format, our framework for the site has changed. Therefore, I had to go back and change a few of our mainframes, both digitally and on paper. This lead to other minor changes that weren't necessarily challenging, but simply time-consuming. Tomorrow all the interns will be in the office together so we can hopefully meet with Ron to see if the progress I have made this week is what he intended. From there, we can make final revisions for the material and content we have created thus far to be turned over to the graphic design aspect of the project.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Final Tweaking

I started my day by doing drunk driving and bullying article summaries for the blog. This was surprising easy as there were many interesting and unique articles from over the weekend. Today all of the interns are in the office so we put together all of the material we have thus far for the dog park project. At the internship meeting with Ron, he was very happy with the work we have done and gave us some more info to move forward and any revisions we need to make. For the most part, the project is done and now it's just focusing on translating what we having into a website, which will be created by Heather, the art director. Matt and I played around a little with visuals for the site and app already which may be incorporated into Heather's design in the future. Tomorrow I'll be working on the revisions Ron suggested as well as writing some of the content for the site.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dog Park Project nearly done

As of today, Dog Park project is nearly completed. We have a few things left to do and then it'll be ready to be promoted. Matt finished designing the first outline today in InDesign, that we drew out on a piece of paper last week regarding what the website should look like. All there's left to do as of now is to see how the app will look and what will the name of this product be.

Dog Park Layout

On Thursday Kayleigh, Taf and I worked on the layout and features of the dog park website homepage. Ron gave us a basic idea of what he wanted so we took that and ran with it. We took the features we felt were most important and made a generic homepage layout. From this layout we began drawing a diagram to figure out how many pages we are going to need and where the features of the website will link to. After I left kayleigh and Taf finished this up. Today, I am taking this diagram and putting it onto the computer so we can print it out and show it to Ron. I will continue working on this for the rest of the day. Hopefully tomorrow when all of the interns are here we can meet with Ron to make sure we are moving in the right direction.

Matt Langill

Graphic Design Intern

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dog Park Formatting

Yesterday I spent most of my time in the office summarizing articles for the blog. It was just Taf and I yesterday so after we finished our blog posts, we spent a little time on the Dog Park project. We looked over the work Matt started on Monday and made a plan to move forward for the rest of the week. Today I am the only intern in the office and have been laying out the formatting for the website. This includes separate pages for each aspect, such as the park profile, dog profile, etc. and listing of each feature the pages need. So far I have the dog profile and park profile pages finished, but would like to get both Taf and Matt's feedback tomorrow before we present it to Ron. I'm going to continue breaking down the formatting for the remaining features and we will hopefully have a meeting tomorrow to see what needs to be changed, removed, or added.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dog Park Research continues

Today, I, along Matt and Kayleigh have done some more research about the upcoming dog park project. We are pretty much done with the research and promotion part of the assignment and will move on to the 2nd phase very soon after we have a meeting with Ron to see what changes he wants or what he wands us to add to the list. We've looked up magazines, blogs, and some well known social networking sites to get a good idea of where to promote the dog park app and how effective it will be. Some additional researches were done on Pinterest and Vine to understand how businesses use the two networks to market to consumers.

Dog Parks and Crowd Funding

Today I worked on a mix of both the dog park project and crowd funding. When I got here today I started to work on ways and places to promote the dog park project. I worked on this for most of the morning and early afternoon. Just before lunch Ron had a meeting with those of us who have been working on crowd funding to see where we're at and what steps to take next. After this meeting we had a brief meeting about the dog park project to check in and see where we're at. We were going to have another meeting this afternoon but he had to go pick up Benny from the Vet. So we will have this meeting on Thursday when all of the interns are here again. In this meeting we are going to show Ron what we have at this point and see what he likes or doesn't like and move forward from there.

-Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern

Promotion & Contacts

This week the interns continue to work on the dog park app project we started a few weeks ago. We had a brief meeting discussing where we were in the project and what we need to accomplish this week in order to move forward and stay on track. Today we researched and took notes on some ways to promote the app once it is live. We looked up dog-related websites, blogs, and social media to analyze whether or not they could be a positive tool to use for promotion in the future. Along with researching, I also compiled a contact list in a spreadsheet for easy access in case we need to contact their sources later. Thursday we will have a group meeting with Ron to sort through and make decisions about the app's features and to start storyboarding how the app will look and behave. Tomorrow I will continue the research work and contact list so we have more resources to go to once the app is completely finished and it's time to promote it to our audience.

Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern