Monday, July 30, 2012

What Do Interns Do?

A sample of what some interns have been doing here at Esente!

Brandon Diaz
Salem State University
Public Relations

-Found Hip-Hop bands in Delaware to create a compilation CD
-Helped create an anti-bullying music event nationwide
-Helped brainstorm ideas and worked on promoting 
  Becca Levy across the country

Jaclyn Caruso
Merrimack College
Graphics Intern

- I created posters to combat drunk driving and texting while driving.
- I led a small team of interns in creating a CD to prevent drunk driving     
  through free music. This included finding, contacting, and 
  communicating with dozens of hip hop bands and artists in Austin, 
  Texas, and creating personalized banners for each of the bands that 
  contributed material.
- I was involved in a music and PSA video shoot for a national drunk 
  driving prevention campaign.
- I blogged to local news sites in Wisconsin to promote Becca Levy and 
  Right Now, a nation-wide campaign against bullying.

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience: Sarina Gerardi

I was able to be a part of a video shoot with Andrew Swaine. It was easily the best real world experience I have ever had. I was able to help in the scripting of the video and my input was valued. I felt like a part of something and I learned so much. At certain moments we just had to bounce ideas off of one another until we found the right wording. The whole process is involved and every person that is a part of the video shoot must be on their feet at all times. I learned that things do not go as planned and you learn to work around it. It was an exceptional learning experience. Everyone counts, everyone contributes, and everyone cares.

-Sarina Gerardi
Public Relations

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Do Interns Do?

A sample of what some interns have been doing here at Esente! 

Monica Coimbra
School of the Museum of Fine Arts

-Helped Organize for the Becca Levy Shoot
-Storyboarded the Becca Leavy Video 
-Made posters for the Right Now Video
-Created a shot list for the the Right Now Video
-Shot Pictures in the studio for Right Now Video, 
   and Video and Photo Shoots For Becca Levy
-Photographed behind the scene pictures for Volume Salon Video Shoot
-Shot pictures for Video, and Photo Shoot for Jayna Liniger
-Shot photographs for the Intern website

Kevin Boecke
Saint Joseph's University 
Public Relations Intern

-Wrote and edited text for Right Now website.
-Promoted Becca Levy/Right Now campaign
-Collected and contacted leads
-Worked on Oklahoma CD
-Blogging/social networking

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience: Jenna Ismaeil

Currently, during my time at the Esente internship program I have been creating web banners for bands participating in the Stop Drunk Driving CD compilation.
At this time I have completed two banners for the participating bands.
This allows me the chance to use the logos and photographs of the individual bands and use my own artistic skills to then create the banner.
We work together in teams to organize and create the CDs but are able to put our own artwork into this project, making it feel like much more of a personal accomplishment.

-Jenna Ismaeil
Grahpic Design

Monday, July 23, 2012

What Do Interns Do?

A sample of what some interns have been doing here at Esente!

Michaela Jordan
North Shore Community College
Graphics Intern

- PSA posters for anti drunk driving/drive and texting
- PSA posters for anti bullying
- Helped prepare and put together Becca Levy's music video
- Helped prepare for Jayna Lininger's music video
- Contacted and put together a Delaware hip hop CD
- Created album covers for LA Hip Hop & NH Rock compilation albums

Kevin Brosnan
Northeastern University 
Public Relations Intern

-Collecting & sending out leads
-Created and maintained several Facebook and Twitter pages
-Worked on designing an entire social media campaign for "Right Now"
-Compiling helpful information for "Right Now"
-Coordinated blogging "Right Now"
-Did blogging for "Right Now"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience : Brandon Diaz

Ever since joining Esente Music, the staff and interns made me feel comfortable right from the start.  There’s a lot to do, but it's all for great causes.  We are finding bands across the country and creating a compilation CD to help promote awareness of drunk driving.  That’s just one of the big projects we are working on.  Knowing you can make a difference in someone else’s life lifts your spirits up and wanting to do more for others.  The atmosphere at Esente is perfect and I recommend all future interns to join the family and help make a difference.

-Brandon Diaz
Public Realtions

From the Interns!

The Interns Experience : Nicholas Freeman

I have worked on anti drunk driving posters. In this poster, I chose to give a heavy dramatic effect on the viewer. My idea was to have a car that has been in a really bad accident and a little girl approaching the site as if the little girl was the daughter or family member of someone who was in the accident. The little girl has no true identity.  I left it as a silhouette, so it is no one specific, allowing the viewer to fill the spot with someone they might know or be in contact with. 

I have also been working on a compilation CD, which is for raising awareness of drinking and driving. I have been searching and listening to bands music, to choose people my group and I find suitable to be apart of the CD. Along with making the CD, my group and I have been making banners for each band that has joined the CD. The banners will be designed to represent each band and will be posted on the web for display. I’m still working on the banners, but when they are finished, my group and I will then move on to creating poster for each band.

-Nicholas Wild Freeman
Graphic Design

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Intern Portfolios

Check out these portfolios from past and present graphics interns! Get a glance at just some of the projects that get worked on here at Esente! And the projects YOU could be working on too if you were an Esente intern!

Ramin Habibi

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience : Maura McGonagle

Though a relatively new intern, I have already gotten some awesome oppportunities that are so unique and fun. Straight off the bat I made anti-drunk driving posters that not only allowed me to be creative, but are going to actually be used to help promote the message. It’s incredible to make something that you know is actually going to be out there and not just hidden in a desk (which as we all know, happens way to often).

So not only am I getting to do art, real art, but I also get to get hands-on experience with the industry. Yesterday I went to a video shoot with the head of the company and a few other interns where we got to watch (and contribute!) to the production process. I had never seen anything quite like it, and was intimidated at first because I didn’t know what to expect. It was so much fun! It was relaxed and everyone was so focused on making sure we got the best we could out of ourselves and our atmosphere. We got to see what a real studio was like, wrote up a script, and got to see the footage on a screen to get a real idea of what the shots would look like.

I can’t express enough how satisfying it is to see your efforts put into something bigger than yourself, and I’m looking forward to what’s next.   

- Maura McGonagle
Graphic Design

Monday, July 16, 2012

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience : Dylan Pech

Some of the first things I made when I started my internship at Esente were Anti-Drunk Driving posters. I had a good time thinking of ideas and learning about the cause I’m working on. It’s great that right at the start I’m getting to do graphic design work that I can add to my portfolio. I’m happy that I’m being taken seriously as a graphic designer. After working on those posters, the next day I was assigned to work on an Anti-Texting while driving poster. I got to apply my skills in Photoshop and Illustrator for a great campaign. Currently I’m working with bands to design the banners for our Wyoming Rockers compilation album. I love music and it’s so much fun to be working on something I’m interested in.

Besides the design work I’m also involved in the business side of music. Researching companies that can sponsor concerts all over the US. I didn’t know I’d be working on something like this but I’m excited about it.

-Dylan Pech
Graphic Design

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ask An Intern! Becca Levy and the Right Now Anti-Bullying Campaign

We asked some interns their opinion of working with Becca Levy on her video for the Right Now Anti-Bullying Campaign:

Working on Becca Levy's music video for her "Right Now" Campaign was not only a great learning experience, but it was a lot of fun as well. I got to do some really cool behind-the-scenes work such as storyboard what will happen during the video, make posters to be held up, and even help Becca herself get ready by putting together outfits and doing her hair/make up.

 The first day of the week she was here, we went to a real recording studio and I got to see the rooms where the band plays and where the vocals take place, which was an awesome experience because not many people can say they have done that. The next day, we did some studio shots and then some on-location tapings such as a boat dock, a beach, and a subway station. On the final day , we went to another studio to shoot Becca infront of a black and a white screen, and we got to watch playback on a video screen. 

 My favorite parts of everything we had done, were helping Becca get ready for her shoots, and going on the locations. But putting everything together beforehand was really great, too, and it made me feel like I was doing something important. It's such a good feeling seeing all your hard work put into something, and seeing the whole bigger picture makes everything worth it.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Becca Levy video shoot last week.  Having been able to observe the recording process that took place at Q Division was my favorite part.  As Ron mentioned, I learned that everything doesn't always go as planned and some things have to be cast aside.  You must have the ability to improvise, adapt and overcome any and all obstacles that may arise from such and undertaking.  The "Right Now" recording/video truly was a learning experience and I am glad to have had the opportunity to be part of it.

- Taylor

Taylor (left) and Michayla (right) working on posters used in the Right Now Anti-Bullying video with Becca Levy.

Check out the video at