Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Intern Artwork!

Some great CD covers from past interns!

By Drew Risk

By Erica Sawyer

By Jose Gonzales

Monday, August 27, 2012

Intern Artwork!

Some more CD cover samples from past interns!

By Alex Corbin

By Dylan Pech

By Erica Sawyer

Monday, August 20, 2012

Intern Artwork!

One of our bands, Destructive Sunn, was looking for a cover for their new album "Mad Heat". These are some examples of what interns came up with!

 By Nicholas Freeman
By Maura MacGonagle

By Jaclyn Caruso

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Intern Artwork!

One of the projects all Esente Interns get to work - The Compilation Album! These are few samples of the covers done by some of the graphics interns for upcoming albums!

Wyoming Rock 2012 by Brian Jouris

Hawaii Rockers 2012 by Chelsea Rind

Miami Rockres 2012 by Taylor Perener

Monday, August 6, 2012

What Do Interns Do?

A sample of what some interns have been doing here at Esente!

Heather Stanley
SMFA/Tufts University
Graphics Intern/Public Relations

-Created an anti-drunk driving poster series
-Made a promotion poster for Becca Levy
-Made logo concepts for a memorial fund
-Created the Right Now! Logo
-Created anti-bullying posters
-Created anti-texting/driving posters
-Helped brainstorm various promotional ideas
-Collected and sent leads
-Led a small team on the Oklahoma Rockers 
  2012 CD
-Created band banners and posters
-Social networking

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience: Jean Felix

The experience provided the perfect environment for showcasing my talents and having a real impact on the day to day operation of a successful and growing company. Interning helped me be more self- aware of people, helping to get life saving messages out there by promoting to young people. As an Esente intern, I promoted both our music clients and our music based promotional campaigns, and learned the tricks of the trade relative to writing a press release, blogging, social networking, as well as college and traditional media. Interning at Esente was a great experience. I learned more about marketing and pr than any college course has ever taught me. It gave me a better idea of what it's like to work in the music industry. 

Jean Felix
Salem State University
Public Relations

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Do Interns Do?

A sample of what some interns have been doing here at Esente!

Laura Kelly
Johnson & Wales University
Public Relations

-Personally worked directly with the Pittsburgh Rockers CD scouting for bands
 and contacting them to collect music for the compilation CD
-Working closely with both the Stop Drunk Driving and Right Now Anti-Bullying 
 campaigns to brainstorm marketing and promotional ideas
-Worked on promoting through social media websites

Andrew Nelson
Yale University
Graphics Intern

-Created drunk driving posters
-Created promotional banners for bands
-Writing and editing text for the Right Now Website
-Promotional blogging for Right Now and Becca Levy

From the Interns!

The Intern Experience: Elise MacDonald

I had the special opportunity to use my skills and photography an Autism Awareness Event. The event helped raised funds for Melmark New England which is a private special needs school located in Andover, MA.

This was a lot of fun! I met a ton of cool people and got to help pose people for their photographs.

-Elise MacDonald
Graphics Intern