Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What’s the difference between garbage and not-garbage? Garbage is in the trash can; organization. Organization is what keeps the things we use and need away from that which is unnecessary. 

This is why craft is so appealing to me. The time and love that it takes to build or make something is evident in the item itself. Take a simple wooden kitchen spoon. If made well, its clean, hard lines and pristine finish will give way to years of loving use and will wear a soft, well rounded finish with a deep color to match the love imbued with every stir.

Information takes the same form. I used to spend hours tidying up my music library. Finding new methods for utilizing the system and when necessary changing the rules to make things fit. Esente has elements of this. The more organized a system, the better it runs, this is no secret. 
Adam Sergott

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