Today is my last day at Esente Music Group. Time goes so fast!!!
I am very grateful to Ron for letting me participate in Jayna's promotion. It has been a rewarding experience. And this experience is going to continue, because I´m going to be intern 2.0. It means that
I´m going to work with Esente from Spain. I´m so excited about that!!!
Elena Jávega Sánchez
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Crowd Funding
Today I started off my day with a meeting. I met with Ron,
Laura and Renee to discuss crowd funding and how it can help many of our
projects. Laura and Renee gave me all of the information they already had which
was a good starting point. I will now be doing research and gathering
information on how to pitch a successful project on one of the many crowd
funding websites out there. I am excited to start this next challenge and see
what crowd funding has to offer and how it can be helpful to Esente.
Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern
Putting the Pieces Together
Thursday is the last day of the week in the office for the interns, so we are putting together and summarizing what we have worked on thus far. Today Taf, the other PR intern, and I will be starting to outline an "Internship Guideline" which will act as a guidebook for future interns to follow. We are collaborating on a Google Doc so we are both seeing the same thing in real time. So far, we have done a 5-step guide on "How To Conduct Group Research Assignments." All of the interns are also going through past work and dropping it into our designated dropbox account to be seen and used by the rest of the group. Taf and I will be spending the next few hours brainstorming ideas and doing a rough draft of the internship guidebook and I'm sure it will carry over into next week.Also, yesterday I had my required 'site supervisor meeting' with Laura in order to fulfill my college credit requirements. From her evaluation, I now have a better understanding of my role here in the office and how to continue to progress for the future.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Last Day Of Internship
Today is the last day of my Graphic Design Internship because next week I will be starting a Web Design job. So, today I am wrapping everything up. I am finishing off some designs and submitting my poster images to Heather and posting research on Dropbox. I think my Graphic Design skills improved during the internship and I learned a lot about Social Media. I enjoyed my time at Esente and I will miss the people here but it is time to move on.
John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
Intern Guidelines and Social Media
I am currently working on making an Intern Guideline, along with Kayleigh for the upcoming interns at Esente. It's a brief description and steps on how to do research and what to expect when they come here to work. Along with that, I've finished my social media research I was doing on Tuesday and we might have a team meeting about it later on today.
P.R. Intern
P.R. Intern
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
So Much Social Media
The week is half over but we've accomplished so much and there's still more to do. We are continuing the work we started yesterday with social media and it seems this will be the theme of the week. Today was much more difficult than yesterday as we had already done research on the main (and therefor easiest) social media platforms. Trying to find how country artists utilize the less popular platforms was hard because most of the time, they didn't even have accounts or profiles. I started with pinterest and tumblr but only found a couple of artists. Currently I'm looking at Google+ but there is minimal content and most of it seems to be cross-postings from other sites. Tomorrow I believe all the interns will collaborate together and put our findings into one big research document. It'll be interesting how different people chose who and what they did and how it was interpreted.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Start of Week 5
Today is the start of my fifth week here and all day the interns worked on social media research. Our assignment was to pick social media sites and look up the top country artists with accounts or profiles and see how they utilized that site. Furthermore, we needed to see how they used the sites for both professional promotion and personal promotion. This was an interesting angle as different platforms tended to lean one way or the other, and were sometimes a combination of both. Once we had done sufficient research on one site, we would switch with another intern and start researching another. Today I did 4 top artists for Myspace, twitter, and instagram and compiled my findings into the new dropbox account to be used for all the interns' work. The rest of the week will be spent combining our work into something that can be used for Jayna's social media campaign. I'm looking forward to seeing where this takes us in the coming weeks.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Monday, February 24, 2014
Week 4
My fourth week in the office is underway. I started the day off working on my drunk driving posters. I took some of Ron and Heather’s
advice and changed a couple of my old posters up a bit and also started a few
new ones with some of ideas they gave me. Just before lunch Ron sent me out
with Jenny to do a photo shoot for a hair salon in Stoneham. Not having any
real photography experience, I had no idea what to expect. I helped carry
equipment and set up the backdrop and lighting. My first ever photo shoot was a
success and a really cool experience!
Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern
Anit-Bullying and Drunk Driving
This is my 4th week here at Esente, and today, I've been looking up articles on drunk driving and bullying for an upcoming project. =]
Thursday, February 20, 2014
More Graphic Design
Today Ron and Heather critiqued my work and I came up with some new designs for anti-drunk driving posters.
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Some Design and some social media
Today I worked on a couple of designs for anti-drunk driving posters and also did research into how to use social media and how established bands use social media.
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
All About Social Media
Today is the fourth week of my internship and I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. Yesterday we had a snow storm so none of the interns came in. This was our third day off for snow in the past three weeks.
Because I don't come into the office until later in the afternoon, the other interns filled me in on what I missed in a meeting this morning. Today we will be working on a social media assignment. We needed to identity social media sites, write up how they are used, and classify them. We organized the sites by which were the biggest and then by which sites are best used to promote bands. Additionally, we were assigned to look up bands that use social media and see how they utilize it. To make it easier, we broke it down by site so we each had something to work on. My main social media sites I did research on were Vine and Tumblr, which are also sites I use myself and have apps for on my phone. It's challenging trying to describe something you use in a way that someone who has never used it would understand.
I'm interested to see what else we continue to do with social media, especially as this is something I enjoy doing and consider to be my strong point.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Internship Day Four
Today I worked on a poster for Anti-Bullying and started writing a step by step guideline for doing research online for promoting musicians. I am looking forward to finding ways to promote Jayna Lininger using social media.
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
Step by step
Today we continued collecting information about Pensilvania´s politicians. This is hard for me because I don´t know well the types of Politicians of this Country. I´m from Spain and all is different.
Is not easy for me to search for Councils, Senators, State Senators, U.S. Senators... But I'm learning and I'm doing it with the help of the other interns.
The next step is to think about how to promote Jayna through Social Media. This sounds very good.
I´m looking forward to do this.
Elena Jávega Sánchez
Is not easy for me to search for Councils, Senators, State Senators, U.S. Senators... But I'm learning and I'm doing it with the help of the other interns.
The next step is to think about how to promote Jayna through Social Media. This sounds very good.
I´m looking forward to do this.
Elena Jávega Sánchez
Moving Right Along
I'm in my third week at the Esente internship and it's exciting to see that the interns are all coming together to work on a project just for us. We started some work on Jayna's campaign strategy last week and we're nearly finished on the first segment of it, which we've titled her "political campaign." This week we've gotten all the contacts on hot sheets and now we're just starting to fill in the gaps we have and making everything more specific for Ron's use. Next we'll be thinking about how to promote Jayna through social media, which we'll be spending an hour per day doing. Right now brainstorming and being creative is the key. And finally, we're working on a sort of manual or guide that future interns will be able to read in order to continue the work we're doing currently. That way, they can see all the steps we have taken to get to where they will be starting to work from. Lots to do to keep busy, but we're all engaged and working together toward this goal.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Week 2 Day 2
Today all of the interns continued working on the Jayna
Lininger campaign. With help from Laura and Ron we really got things rolling
today. We collected and organized a lot of information today. I think we are
ready to move forward and take the next step. Soon we will be brainstorming
ideas and ways to promote her through social media. Week two is now 2/3 of the
way over and I’m learning more and more each day.
Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern
John Gagan's Third Day
Today I worked on ideas for the anti drunk driving poster and also worked on bullet points for how to market Jayna Lininger. Everything is going well and I am learning a lot.
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
Getting things going
This is my 2nd day of 2nd week here at Esente, and today we helped Ron and Laura gather info about city council members and state senators of Pennsylvania which ties in with the whole promotion campaign for upcoming artist Jayna Lininger. My interns and I just finished up making all the lists and now we are going to be working towards using social media networking sites to promote her, which is something I'm looking forward to!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
New Things Approaching
I'm wrapping up the second week of my internship at Esente. Yesterday was a snow day so it was nice to have a day to catch up on things and just refresh. Today I started off with working on the google doc for the PA fairs, amusement parks, malls, etc. Then the interns had a meeting to start working on the Jayna Lininger campaign. Ron gave us a good foundation on the work to come and what we should be thinking about for the future. So far we've created a hot sheet to organize contact info of those we need to reach out to for potential "Grip & Grab" opportunities. We have a list that the other interns compiled of people such as mayors, governors, fire & police, etc. Now we need to organize this list and make it easy to navigate when it comes time to contact them. After the other interns left, I wrote up a sort of "script" for what to say on the phone and via email to contact said people. Next week we'll get more into these projects as this was just a jumping-off point.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Day 2 of Internship
Today's my 2nd day in the office and so far it's going great. I'm helping Laura make a list of all kinds of country music websites and blogs which I've managed to find a lot more sites today compare to the 9 I found on my first day.
While making the list, I've also listened to some of the songs recorded by Jayna Lininger, and I think she has a very sweet voice, and I'm looking forward to helping Esente Group with her projects and promotions!
Overall, great day here, and it got even better when I found free parking after lunch!!! =)
While making the list, I've also listened to some of the songs recorded by Jayna Lininger, and I think she has a very sweet voice, and I'm looking forward to helping Esente Group with her projects and promotions!
Overall, great day here, and it got even better when I found free parking after lunch!!! =)
Starting my last month
I only have one more month in Esente Music Group. It´s amazing how fast time passes. I continue learning a lot about everything around the music.
Here we continue with the promotion of Jayna, a young country singer.
Elena Jávega Sánchez. PR
Here we continue with the promotion of Jayna, a young country singer.
Elena Jávega Sánchez. PR
Intern John Gagan's second day
Today was my second day as an Esente Intern and I did research online to find contact info for the Pennsylvania state senators, state police and fire department as well as the Mayor of Pittsburg. Also, I created two more poster ideas for anti-bullying and one more idea for anti drunk driving.
-John Gagan
Graphic Design Intern
Day Three
Today is my last day in the office for week one and it’s
almost over. I’m starting to get the feel for what goes on around here and
starting to get more involved. Today I researched contact information for state
senators in Pennsylvania as well as the mayor of Pittsburgh. Before I was given
this task I continued to work on my posters. The days are really flying by here
at Esente. Can’t wait to see what next week brings.
Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Already Week 2
Today's my first day of my second week in the office. I started off my day with looking up and summarizing current anti-bullying and drunk driving news articles to be used on the blog. Over the weekend, I saw two of my summaries on the website so it was cool to see the work I did already online. Today I did some more summarizes and I'm continuing to work on the lists of fairs, malls, festivals, etc. and all the contact info that I started last week. I'll be leaving the office early to head to the Bruins games tonight so trying to keep myself occupied. Tomorrow's going to be a snow day so it'll be nice to have a little mental break.
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Kayleigh Tansey
PR Intern
Day 1 at Esente Music Group
Hey everyone,
My name is Taf, today's my first day interning at Esente Music Group as a PR and so far, I'm liking it!
I'm currently a a senior at Salem State University majoring in advertising and minor in marketing, hoping to graduate and enter the real world this coming May.
At the moment, I'm getting to know the company a bit more through a few of their websites and social media page that are creating awareness for drunk driving and bullying in school. I have seen the music video, "Right Now", by Becca Levy, a 16 year old artist from Washington D.C. who is spreading the message of anti-bullying through her music. I have also checked out some amazing student artwork that was submitted to their "Stop Drunk Driving Now" site, they are very creative and deliver the message clearly.
The reason why I chose to intern at Esente Music Group over other places that I've applied to is because I really appreciate the fact that they are promoting anti-bullying and messages to stop drunk driving through the media, whether the message is through music or the artwork, they are doing this for a good cause!
By the time I complete my internship here, I wish to gain more experience about how marketing and PR works in the real world along with contributing my skills that I was taught through out my semesters at Salem State.
-Tafarruz Khan (Taf)
My name is Taf, today's my first day interning at Esente Music Group as a PR and so far, I'm liking it!
I'm currently a a senior at Salem State University majoring in advertising and minor in marketing, hoping to graduate and enter the real world this coming May.
At the moment, I'm getting to know the company a bit more through a few of their websites and social media page that are creating awareness for drunk driving and bullying in school. I have seen the music video, "Right Now", by Becca Levy, a 16 year old artist from Washington D.C. who is spreading the message of anti-bullying through her music. I have also checked out some amazing student artwork that was submitted to their "Stop Drunk Driving Now" site, they are very creative and deliver the message clearly.
The reason why I chose to intern at Esente Music Group over other places that I've applied to is because I really appreciate the fact that they are promoting anti-bullying and messages to stop drunk driving through the media, whether the message is through music or the artwork, they are doing this for a good cause!
By the time I complete my internship here, I wish to gain more experience about how marketing and PR works in the real world along with contributing my skills that I was taught through out my semesters at Salem State.
-Tafarruz Khan (Taf)
Intern John Gagan's first day
My name is John Gagan and today is my first day as an intern at Esente. After graduating with BA in Studio Art from U MA Lowell I worked as a freelance web designer for a number of years. Last year I attended the School of Museum Of Fine Arts where I took courses in Graphic Design and Typography. Today I familiarized myself with Esente and started work on anti-drunk driving and anti-bullying posters. I enjoy working on posters just as much as I enjoy web design. And I am also a musician. Because I love both music and Graphic Design, I am excited to work at Esente.
Esente Day Two
As day two here at Esente continues to fly by, I continue to
work on my drunk driving and anti bullying campaign posters. After brain storming and getting some
of my ideas down yesterday, I feel like I’m making good progress today. Right
now I have four posters in the works. I’ve kind of just been jumping around
from poster to poster. I hope to have at least one completed by the end of the
day today. As I sit here writing this blog, I can’t believe there are only a
couple hours left in my second day here. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow
Matt Langill
Graphic Design Intern
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